COLLEGE TELEHEALTH clincians are Board Certified and Licensed Professionals including Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), School Guidance Counselors, Educators, and Clinical Psychologists (PsyD). In providing services, we comply with laws, policies, and professional Telehealth standards within the state that services are provided.
Telemental health is a rapidly growing field spanning across multiple mental health disciplines around the world. Our staff utilizes best practices and evidence-based techniques to offer safe and effective services to our clients.
In conjunction with thought leaders in the field of telemental health, the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) has developed the Board Certified-Telemental Health Provider (BC-TMH) credential.
Our clinicians are Board Certified-Mental Health Providers BC-TMH, with specialized training in the following areas:
Introduction to Telemental Health: An overview of the industry, market forces, practice requirements, funding and growth of telemental health
Best Practices in Video Telemental Health: Ethical and legal considerations from state licensure laws and mental health disciplines
Crisis Management: Protocols for managing psychosis and duties to warn and protect
Settings and Care Coordination: Understanding of clinic and direct-to-consumer differences, factors, and terms
Direct-to-Consumer Care (DTC): Requirements for legal and ethical DTC services
Presentation Skills: Instruction in skills for presenting via video
Orienting Clients/Patients: Demonstration of client informed consent and education
Choosing and Using Technology: Identifying appropriate technology and use considerations
Information Privacy Security and HIPAA-HITECH: HIPAA training related to telemental health
Providing services electronically requires additional training in best practices, ethics and state laws. The BC-TMH training is based on established credentialing industry standards and processes, evidence-based practices, and a rigorous review of the professional literature. The credential is under review by a diverse panel of industry experts and practicing telemental health providers from all mental health disciplines, academia, government regulatory agencies, licensure boards, and health insurance organizations.